
State initiatives are those activities undertaken by the state AT program to effect substantive changes in legislation, policy or practices of agencies and organizations. Examples include technical assistance to:

  • The state’s department responsible for procurement of information and communication technology
  • A county’s election commission
  • A managed care contractor of the state Medicaid program
  • Aging services
  • Education systems
  • Employment systems
  • Health and Human Services systems and processes

The purpose of undertaking such activities is to improve access to and acquisition of assistive technology (AT) devices and services, and includes efforts to assure equal access for people with disabilities (e.g. to voting, high-stakes testing, employment). State improvement efforts may involve training, technical assistance, and other activities designed to result in positive changes in outcomes for people with disabilities. This section also includes guidance documents that provide an overview and/or clarification of federal laws and policies that affect access to and acquisition of AT.

Click on a link below to go to more information on that topic.
Issue Briefs on AT Policy
Emergency Management

High Impact Innovative Assistive Technology (HIIAT) Grants

An archived webinar from June 11, 2020, this session introduced the 2020 HIIAT grant from the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, as well as innovative projects from past and present grantees.

High Impact Innovative Assistive Technology HIIAT Grants 2020 (video)
High Impact Innovative Assistive Technology (HIIAT) Grants (PDF)
HIIAT Reeve Foundation Slides (PDF)
HIIAT Electronic Gaming Project – Kansas (PDF)
HIIAT Community Rehab Project – Indiana (PDF)
HIIAT Smart Home First Project – North Dakota (PDF)

Voting Accessibility